Tag Archives: Music Video

OK Go: Here They Go Again. Again.

OK Go continues their domination of viral music videos. With big-budget music videos going the way of MTV (I’m not really sure where that is now), and the Interwebs taking over as our main means of entertainment, it’s been left to an industrious few to capture our increasingly-unavailable attention. When their first video was being passed around Youtube for their song Here It Goes Again, with all band members doing an impressive synchronized dance on a series of treadmills, it ‘went viral’ and made them instantaneously famous.

I kind of thought that was going to be it from them, and that maybe they were a clever one trick pony; but they keep turning out these awesome videos, with one topping the other. In this case, out-cuteing the others, if that’s possible. Their music’s actually pretty good, too. Plus, Dogs. If you love seeing trained doggies and dudes acting like trained doggies, you’ll have to check out this video for their new song White Knuckles. All I can say is, I spotted the goat right away.

Also, read more behind-the-scenes about the making-of at Gizmodo.