Tag Archives: Coffee Tins

More Vintage Packaging

Update on my recent posting of the Dieline’s great pics of vintage packaging. This weekend, I found my own while Al and I were scouring antique malls for ‘steampunk’ trinkets (Halloween’s gonna be major this year). Not only did we score some very cool old gadgets, I found a treasure trove of great old packaging tins. They may not be bio-degradable, but these were made to be used and reused and then sold in antique shops for 10 times the price. Actually, these were not expensive. I might go back and pick up a few of the less rusty ones, if I can convince hubby that we need more weird crap in our apartment. I think we do – and I’m eyeballing that super rusty Maxwell House tin.

Coffee Tins for My Coffee Table

Someone at The Dieline shares my love of vintage packaging and scours the Internet and Flickr accounts for the best, most unique antiquated designs. I want these old coffee tins in my apartment. Who knew I’d ever love anything about Sanka? They should seriously consider going back to this, so people are tempted to try it along with some shredded wheat and canned concentrated orange juice for breakfast. Maybe I’ll just enjoy how it looks instead.

See More at The Dieline