Maybe He Just Forgot?

Today the Republicans successfully stalled the process of repealing the military’s current Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. Aside from the many reasons that I, like many others, are beyond frustrated with the situation (the stall on acknowledging long-overdue civil rights, the lack of gratitude to the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our country), there’s one thing that just plain irks me. The leader of the filibuster, Sen. John McCain. I’ve been increasingly irritated with him ever since he made a complete turnaround and ‘forgave’ the Bush campaign for going after his family, including his adopted Bangladeshi daughter – all for the sake of being back on the Republican bandwagon.

As part of his apparent plan to tarnish his own past legacy as a moderately-minded true conservative leader who could be counted on to stand his ground – he’s going bandwagon once again and taking a non-negotiable position on DADT, despite his statements to the contrary just 3 years ago. While giving a speech at the University of Iowa back in 2006, McCain said that he’d back the decision of the top U.S. military leaders – as a military man himself – and support the repeal of DADT if they advised to do so. Here’s what he said: “The day that the leadership of the military comes to me and says, ‘Senator, we ought to change the policy,’ then I think we ought to consider seriously changing it.”

Now, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen are testifying to the Armed Services Committee in support of repealing the 15-year act, with Mullen calling it “the right thing to do”. McCain said he was “disappointed” with the testimony and his campaign accused Gates of towing the President’s party line. Well, Sen. McCain, I’m more than disappointed in just about every hypocritical thing you do. Not to mention unleashing Sarah Palin unto the world.

Well, Hello!

Welcome to my first post. The reason I’m starting this blog is to have a place to share all the stuff I like in one spot: my favorite music, great food that I ate, not-so-great food that I ate, fashion, movies, tv, books and my expert opinion on the goings on in the world. Occasionally, I may post something stupid from the Internet, but animals dressed up like people has only made people’s day better. So, that’s it for now. Check back soon for my first real post. Any minute now…..