Category Archives: Lifestyles of the Broke & Ordinary

Our House is a Happy Pour House

The first few years we were married, Al toured as a Stage Manager for a ballet company. He spent a lot of time in Bavaria and, as a result, he came back with a renewed love of good brew and an expert pour. I now have both by proxy and am proud to be able to pour a tall glass of beer without making a foamy mess. I’ve even used the technique to pour Coke, although that’s not nearly as satisfying.

Kevin Purdy at Lifehacker spent some time with Ethan Cox, a Certified ‘Cicerone’ from Community Beer Works in Buffalo, NY. Head over to his post to reap the rewards from the time he spent learning what goes into pouring a great beer.

As Al learned overseas, the glass you pour into is almost as important as the beer that goes into it. Duvel’s tulip glass is the favorite in our collection, and Ethan Cox apparently agrees that it’s his ‘desert island pick’ for beer glasses. Then they go on to talking about ‘nucleation points’ and blah, blah – I wish being 4 months pregnant didn’t mean I can’t enjoy a nice foamy Spaten. Right now. I’m gonna have to have a serious talk with my obstetrician about this. Anyway, watch the mysteries explained:

Lifehacker, How to Give Your Beer the Right Glass and a Proper Pour

Community Beer Works