Category Archives: Crying in My Kitchen

Cooking Sometimes Happens in My Kitchen

Jordan Reid’s Perfect+Easy Butternut Squash Soup

This is one of my favorite recipes. Perfect recipes are never fancy, but require only a few ingredients and the least probability of my screwing them up. This one I love for its simplicity and yumminess from a blog I used to peruse by Jordan Reid. Jordan was a sometimes blogger for a site called Nonsociety, who always posted tips and recipes that were actually useful – not just trust fund baby-useful. Since I can’t find where she’s blogging now, I think it only fair to re-post, so that others can attempt and enjoy cooking perfection. For me, it’s rare. So rare.

What you need:
2 butternut squash, halved lengthwise and seeded
Olive oil
1 large onion or 2 small onions, sliced thinly
2-3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tsp fresh ginger, minced (I say 2 tbsp in the video, but my mother called me after viewing it and said that’s too much. I say it depends on how much you like ginger.)*I’m w/Jordan on this, the more ginger the better!
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick or 1/2 tspn cinnamon powder
5-6 cups chicken broth

What you do:
1. Preheat oven to 375F. Place squash, cut side down, on an oiled baking sheet and cook for about an hour, or until a fork can easily be inserted. 
2. Remove squash from heat and let cool for at least 45 minutes (don’t burn your fingers!).
3. Using a paring knife, remove skin from squash and cut into 2” chunks. Set aside. 
4. In a large pot, heat 2 tbsp olive oil and add the onion, garlic, ginger, brown sugar, and cinnamon stick. Cover and cook over med-low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes (or until onions are translucent).
5. Add squash and chicken broth to pot, cover, bring to a boil, and simmer for about ten minutes.
6. Remove cinnamon stick from pot.
7. Working in batches, puree the squash/onion/broth mixture in a blender (when a vortex appears at the top, you know that it’s blended sufficiently). 
8. Top with a little creme fraiche or a touch of chopped parsley, if desired.

Click below to see the magic happen. In my kitchen.

So, 2 kitchen clean-ups, a shower and some shampooing later, I’m very pleased. My house smells great, and nothing tastes more like Autumn than this dish. Very apropo, now that the leaves are changing out in the country. Dang, it’s good. Enjoy!